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Showing posts 1 - 1 of 1 matching: matt tuck

Friday, June 10, 2022

Chasing a Buck

Since is my site, it tends to reflect the aspects of Booster Gold fandom that I find the most interesting. That means there are elements at the edges of fandom that I rarely touch on but shouldn't ignore. Topics like buying and selling comics for profit.

Earlier this week, the website ran an article called "It's Time for Booster Gold" by Matt Tuck. The gist of the article is in its first line:

This year's Blue Beetle movie could pave the way for a sure-fire fan favorite, Booster Gold, and you can own his key issues for pennies on the dollar.

Tuck specifically suggests that comic collectors should go get their hands on Booster Gold #1, Legends #6, and Justice League #3 because they are cheap enough that the buy-in risk is low and the likelihood of their value increasing is high. I guess. I mean, sure, Booster Gold #1 floats to the top of the speculation chart every time there's a rumor that Booster might finally get the television/movie spotlight he deserves, but Legends #6 has nothing to do with Booster Gold or the Blue Beetle who is getting a movie. I can't imagine anyone will be knocking down doors to get a copy of it anytime soon.

While comics speculation obviously isn't my bag — which is kind of ironic when you consider that I obsessively track a commercially-motivated character who knows what items will be valuable in the future — I cannot deny there's a certain appeal to that the idea of turning $5 into $10. Therefore, if I were to speculate, I would choose to hoard books like Booster's origin story in Booster Gold #6 (also the first appearance of post-Crisis Superman) that currently sells for a paltry $40. Or how about the first appearance of the Conglomerate (also the first appearance of Booster's cool leather jacket costume) in Justice League Quarterly #1, which tops out near $50. Or any Extreme Justice issue. No one has ever asked for an Extreme Justice issue, so demand for those can only go up. They certainly aren't making any more of them, thank goodness.

On second thought, maybe you should ignore my advice. If I knew which comics were going to be worth real money, I wouldn't be running a Booster Gold website; I'd be paying someone else to do it.

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